We simplify what is complicated.
We secure what needs to be solved.

We tailor pharmaceutical
processes to the specific

needs of our distributors.

We have the answers to the challenges of the

pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical shipments to the EU? Pharmaceutical manufacturing in an EU country? Virtual site service? Handling of medical devices or dietary supplements? Short term or small batch delivery? Individual payment schemes?
Being well informed and able to operate in an unknown or rapidly changing market environment is a necessity. The many expectations imposed by legal regulations and quality assurance requirements can seem inconvenient, incomprehensible, expensive and often unnecessary. Moreover, it is not at all easy to get by in a market dominated by large competing participants.
We provide expert answers to your questions and requests: we offer fast and tailor-made solutions to your issues.

We tailor our services to your company's needs

Why us?

We strive for flexibility
to meet ever-changing market needs,
which is why
we must remain independent.

We’re developing our team to ensure that compliance with strict regulations runs smoothly for all our customers. We hold all the certificates and authorisations needed to market medicines with success.

We take a proactive approach to problems: with the intention of meeting all kinds of specific needs.

Our aim is to become the most trusted service provider with simplicity.

We are the partner that has a solution for everything.

We have people for everything

Our team of professionals is highly qualified, experienced and committed to quality

Kósa Csaba

Head of Validation and Developments

Felgyinszki Nikolett

Head of Quality Assurance

Barabás Péter

Managing Director

Dr. Lövei Viktória

Quality Assurance Manager, QP

Kirov Attila

Head of Operations and Implementation

How we work together

1. Identify areas of activity that can be made more effective.

2. We develop a complete service package with easy-to-implement know-how for the identified goals and needs.

3. We also offer solutions to problems our customers may not have identified yet.


4. Keeping the threads in one hand, running processes in parallel, following short-, medium- and long-term project plans.

5. While putting the plans into peration, we provide all the human, material and IT prerequisites


6. Processes are managed in the most efficient way possible.

7. New requests are inegrated into the existing system as they arise.

What people say

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